OVI / DUI Penalties
Waiver Of Reinstatement Fee On A DUI
April 22, 2011 | Administrative License Suspension, OVI / DUI Penalties
The Judge said that he waived your reinstatement fee when he terminated the administrative license suspension (ALS), but the BMV still says that you have to pay it, what happened? When you are convicted of a DUI first offense in six years and placed under a 6 month to 3 year suspension it will automatically… read more
Is a OVI / DUI in Columbus a Big Deal?
March 15, 2011 | OVI / DUI Law, OVI / DUI Penalties
Yes, if convicted of a DUI in Ohio you face mandatory jail, fines, court costs, and license suspension. There will be a time called a “hard suspension” where the Judge is not able to grant you limited driving privileges for any reason at all. A DUI in Ohio is a Misdemeanor of the first degree…. read more
When Can I Serve My Time For DUI?
February 15, 2011 | OVI / DUI Penalties
If you get sentenced to more than three days in jail for DUI in Columbus, the Judge will typically grant a stay on days. What this means is that you have some discretion as to when you want to serve your days. However, the time has to begin within a reasonable amount of time. Typically,… read more
Can I Do My Jail Time On Weekends?
February 9, 2011 | OVI / DUI Penalties
If you are convicted of a, low tier, first offense DUI in Ohio your attorney may be able to negotiate the jail time to be served in a 3 day driver’s intervention program in lieu of jail. This is typically from Thursday until Sunday night. The balance of any other jail time imposed by the… read more
What Factors Will Aggravate My Sentence For OVI / DUI?
February 3, 2011 | OVI / DUI Penalties
There are numerous reason why – here are a few of the more common reasons. Driving 30 mph over the posted limit, driving the wrong way on a road, an auto accident that results in death or serious bodily injury, a 0.170 test or higher, or refusal to take the test. If you need help… read more
Penalties For A DUI In Columbus, Ohio
November 5, 2010 | OVI / DUI Penalties
A first offense DUI in Ohio has the following penalties: ALS (Administative License Suspension) for test refusal = one year license suspension. ALS for a prohibited BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) = 90 day license suspension. Jail – Minimum of three consecutive days or 3-day driver intervention program. Fine – Minimum $375 and not more than… read more