OVI / DUI Test
How to Challenge Urine Test Results in Ohio
September 11, 2015 | OVI / DUI Law, OVI / DUI Test
If you or a loved one is facing a DUI charge based upon a urine test, do not fret. It has been scientifically established that amongst the three most common methods used to determine blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in a DUI case, the urine test method is the least accurate. Yes, you read that correctly… read more
Boating Under the Influence of Alcohol
April 3, 2015 | OVI / DUI Checkpoint, OVI / DUI Law, OVI / DUI Penalties, OVI / DUI Test
If you enjoy boating, Ohio offers plenty of opportunities for you, from the Ohio River to the thousands of lakes and rivers, including one of the five Great Lakes, Lake Erie. There are numerous reasons for boating, such as fishing or simply enjoying a nice day on the water. And whatever the reason for boating,… read more
Multiple OVIs Mean Trouble for Columbus Man
February 9, 2015 | Court Procedure, Defenses, OVI / DUI Test
Logan County resident Ronald Burk has found himself in a troublesome circumstance after being arrested for OVI twice in less than two hours. Sgt. John Godwin of the Logan County Sheriff’s Office pulled Mr. Burk over after observing him hit the curb at a Wal-Mart with his truck as he exited the Wal-Mart’s parking lot…. read more
Should I Refuse Testing if I’m Pulled Over for OVI / DUI
February 5, 2015 | OVI / DUI Test
The flashing lights in the rearview mirror sent a shiver down Janelle’s spine. She had just come from a friend’s holiday party and knew she probably had too much to drink. But she didn’t think she was driving that poorly. Why was this officer pulling her over? She carefully pulled her car over to the… read more
Columbus DUI Field Sobriety Tests
October 20, 2011 | OVI / DUI Test
Suhre and Associates, LLC sent four of its lawyers to get certified to administer standardized field sobriety tests recently. All four lawyers graduated from the 3 day program and were certified. Our lawyers now have the same training that the police have as it relates to detection and apprehension of DUI offenders. This will make… read more
Forced Urine Test In A DUI Prosecution
June 15, 2011 | OVI / DUI Test
Man Says Police Forcibly Collected Urine Sample – This was reported in Cincinnati by WLWT. Lawrenceburg, IN. Sept. 3 — An Indiana man has filed a lawsuit claiming that police forcibly withdrew urine from his body during a drunken driving arrest. According to the suit, police arrested Jamie Lockard, 53, on suspicion of drunk driving… read more