Driving While Under the Legal Limit
March 27, 2015 | Defenses, Driving Privileges
The legal limit of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) for driving is 0.08%. But, even if a person has a legal BAC, the alcohol still has an effect on the person’s ability to drive. This may be referred to as “buzzed” driving. Further, an individual may still be arrested for suspicion of operating a vehicle under… read more
Proof of Insurance in Ohio
March 20, 2015 | Defenses, Driving Privileges
For an individual convicted of operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol (OVI), there are many requirements that must be met, like appearing in court and paying a significant fine. Another requirement relates to providing proof of financial responsibility. Requirement of All Ohio Drivers Under Ohio law, all drivers must have proof of financial… read more
Ohio’s Implied Consent Law
March 2, 2015 | Defenses, OVI / DUI Law
If you are a driver in Ohio, it is important to be aware of the implied consent law related to operating a vehicle while under the influence. In the unfortunate event that you are arrested for suspicion of drunk driving, having knowledge of the implied consent law can be beneficial. Meaning of Implied Consent Under… read more
Drinking and Driving when Under 21 in Ohio
February 26, 2015 | Defenses, Driving Privileges, OVI / DUI Law, OVI / DUI Penalties
Though consuming alcohol while under the age of 21 is illegal, it is a well-known fact that it happens every day around the country. Underage drinking becomes much more serious when it is coupled with driving. As a result, Ohio (like many states) treats underage drinking and driving differently than adult drinking and driving. It… read more
Multiple OVIs Mean Trouble for Columbus Man
February 9, 2015 | Court Procedure, Defenses, OVI / DUI Test
Logan County resident Ronald Burk has found himself in a troublesome circumstance after being arrested for OVI twice in less than two hours. Sgt. John Godwin of the Logan County Sheriff’s Office pulled Mr. Burk over after observing him hit the curb at a Wal-Mart with his truck as he exited the Wal-Mart’s parking lot…. read more
Odor of Marijuana During a Columbus, Ohio OVI / DUI Arrest
October 14, 2013 | Defenses, OVI / DUI Law
It has been held by Ohio courts that the smell / odor of marijuana provides the reasonable suspicion of illegal drug activity that can justify in further detainment of a vehicle. This would include calling for a drug dog as discussed in the last weeks blog. Further, it has also been held that the… read more
Duration and Scope of a Stop for an OVI / DUI in Columbus, Ohio
September 24, 2013 | Defenses
When an officer stops a vehicle for a traffic offense, he or she is allowed to detain the vehicle for a sufficient amount of time to investigate the reason for the initial stop. Generally speaking, the time is that to which it necessary to effectuate the stop, write a ticket,or give a warning. This would… read more
Stopping A Stationary Vehicle In A Columbus, Ohio OVI Case.
September 10, 2013 | Defenses
There have been cases where a person is found behind the wheel of stationary vehicle and has been convicted of OVI because there conduct is sufficient to justify operation of the vehicle. The issue in these cases is whether the officers conduct was constitutionally authorized. The stop must fall into one of the following categories:… read more
Stopped For A Columbus, Ohio OVI Based On An Informants Tip?
August 26, 2013 | Defenses
An informants tip can come in a variety of ways if you are stopped for a Columbus, Ohio OVI. The first may be a phone call to 911. The dispatcher will generally ask the callers location and for a description of the vehicle and its license plate number. The tip may come from the Ohio… read more
Breath Test Defenses!
July 4, 2013 | Defenses, OVI / DUI Law
If you are arrested for a Columbus, OH DUI / OVI and submit to a breath test – the prosecutor now may have some strong evidence against you. In Ohio, it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle with a breath test that is .08 or greater at the time of operation. The law provides… read more