Driving Privileges
Driving While Under the Legal Limit
March 27, 2015 | Defenses, Driving Privileges
The legal limit of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) for driving is 0.08%. But, even if a person has a legal BAC, the alcohol still has an effect on the person’s ability to drive. This may be referred to as “buzzed” driving. Further, an individual may still be arrested for suspicion of operating a vehicle under… read more
Proof of Insurance in Ohio
March 20, 2015 | Defenses, Driving Privileges
For an individual convicted of operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol (OVI), there are many requirements that must be met, like appearing in court and paying a significant fine. Another requirement relates to providing proof of financial responsibility. Requirement of All Ohio Drivers Under Ohio law, all drivers must have proof of financial… read more
Driver License Compact
March 13, 2015 | Driving Privileges, Traffic Convictions
Let’s say you’re one of the many Buckeyes fans who travels the country to attend Ohio State road games. During one of your trips out of state, you are arrested, and subsequently convicted, of drunk driving. You might be thinking Ohio will never find out, but, depending on what state the conviction is in, it… read more
Drinking and Driving when Under 21 in Ohio
February 26, 2015 | Defenses, Driving Privileges, OVI / DUI Law, OVI / DUI Penalties
Though consuming alcohol while under the age of 21 is illegal, it is a well-known fact that it happens every day around the country. Underage drinking becomes much more serious when it is coupled with driving. As a result, Ohio (like many states) treats underage drinking and driving differently than adult drinking and driving. It… read more
Driving Privileges, Part IV.
May 16, 2013 | Driving Privileges, OVI / DUI Law
The law in Ohio provides for limited driving privileges when you are under a suspension for a DUI. You are eligible for privileges after any hard suspension time. Once eligible, you can get privileges for the following reasons: Occupational, Educational, Medical, and Vocational. Part 4 of this blog series is devoted to clients who ask… read more
Driving Privileges, Part III
May 6, 2013 | Driving Privileges
The law in Ohio provides for limited driving privileges when you are under a suspension for a Columbus DUI. You are eligible for privileges after any hard suspension time. Once eligible, you can get privileges for the following reasons: Occupational, Educational, Medical, and Vocational. Part 3 of this blog series is devoted to clients who… read more
Columbus, Ohio Driving Privileges. Part II.
April 29, 2013 | Administrative License Suspension, Court Procedure, Driving Privileges
The law in a Columbus, Ohio DUI / OVI case provides for limited driving privileges 15 -30 days post arrest on a first time OVI charge. Once eligible, you can get privileges for the following reasons: Occupational, Educational, Medical, and Vocational. Part 2 of this blog series is devoted to clients who ask about whether… read more
Can I Get Driving Privileges To Look For A Job?
April 22, 2013 | Court Procedure, Driving Privileges, OVI / DUI Law
The law in Ohio provides for limited driving privileges when you are under a suspension for a Columbus, Ohio DUI. You are eligible for privileges after any hard suspension time. This may be 15 or 30 days on a first time offense depending if you took a chemical test. Once elligible, you can get privileges… read more
Facing A DUI And The Administrative License Suspension?
April 2, 2013 | Administrative License Suspension, Driving Privileges, OVI / DUI Law
If you are charged with DUI in Columbus, Ohio, you might also be suspended even before you go to court. This is an administrative license suspension or “ALS”. Before going to court is the best time to hire a lawyer. Your lawyer can examine your paperwork for errors and make the best objections possible in… read more
What Is Ignition Interlock?
August 8, 2011 | Driving Privileges
Most DUI arrests result in an administrative suspension from the BMV. The suspension will last for at least 90 days. You can also drive if the court allows you limited privileges. The Judge may require special plates or ignition interlock when granting limited driving privileges. You can obtain limited privileges for work, educational, medical, and… read more