Can I Get Driving Privileges To Look For A Job?
April 22, 2013 | Court Procedure, Driving Privileges, OVI / DUI Law
The law in Ohio provides for limited driving privileges when you are under a suspension for a Columbus, Ohio DUI. You are eligible for privileges after any hard suspension time. This may be 15 or 30 days on a first time offense depending if you took a chemical test. Once elligible, you can get privileges… read more
What’s the legal limit for an OVI in Ohio?
April 15, 2013 | OVI / DUI Law
What is the “legal limit” in a Columbus, Ohio DUI/OVI case? Below, the (A)(1)(a) section says that if the officer believes you are under the influence of alcohol he can charge you with a DUI no matter what level of alcohol is in your system. There are, however, many prohibited amounts of alcohol listed in… read more
Can Refusing The Breath Test Be Used Against You?
April 8, 2013 | Court Procedure, Defenses, OVI / DUI Law
If you refuse the test after a Columbus, Ohio DUI or OVI arrest, can it be used against you? Yes. The jury will be instructed that they may, but do not have to, consider the fact that you refused the breath test as evidence of guilt. However, your lawyer may be able to get a… read more
Facing A DUI And The Administrative License Suspension?
April 2, 2013 | Administrative License Suspension, Driving Privileges, OVI / DUI Law
If you are charged with DUI in Columbus, Ohio, you might also be suspended even before you go to court. This is an administrative license suspension or “ALS”. Before going to court is the best time to hire a lawyer. Your lawyer can examine your paperwork for errors and make the best objections possible in… read more
How Long Does It Take To Get Evidence In An OVI Case?
January 8, 2013 | Court Procedure, OVI / DUI Law
People always ask me why it takes so long to get the evidence in a DUI or OVI case. It is evidence of a crime and not subject to public record. This means that your lawyer will have to file a motion for discovery in order to get a copy. The first pretrial appearance is… read more
3 Ways To Fight An OVI
April 8, 2011 | OVI / DUI Law
There are three great ways to fight a DUI. One. By suppressing as much of the evidence as possible based on a variety of reasons. Less evidence or no evidence can lead to an acquital or dismissal. Two. Mitigate the offense. If we can’t beat it we negotiate it. We can ask for a reduction… read more
Is a OVI / DUI in Columbus a Big Deal?
March 15, 2011 | OVI / DUI Law, OVI / DUI Penalties
Yes, if convicted of a DUI in Ohio you face mandatory jail, fines, court costs, and license suspension. There will be a time called a “hard suspension” where the Judge is not able to grant you limited driving privileges for any reason at all. A DUI in Ohio is a Misdemeanor of the first degree…. read more
Were you charged with OVI / DUI and the police didn’t see you drive?
March 3, 2011 | OVI / DUI Law
My name is Michael Puterbaugh and I am the managing attorney of Suhre & Associates who limits his practice to OVI defense in Columbus, Ohio. This blog is written by me to help potential clients in the Columbus area that have been charged with an OVI. Charged with a DUI; you’re wondering how the police… read more
My DUI Is No Big Deal. Why Do I Need A Lawyer?
January 11, 2011 | OVI / DUI Law
First off, your DUI is not a simple matter. It is complex, but not complicated. A DUI is a misdemeanor of the first degree. It is also the most serious of all misdemeanor charges. Even on a first DUI, you are exposed to the following consequences: mandatory jail, mandatory fine, mandatory license suspension, a “hard… read more
DUI Defenses, Part 3.
November 30, 2010 | Defenses, OVI / DUI Law
Let’s talk about some other defenses to an over the per se limit. There could be a false positive from consumption of unintentional alcohol (e.g. from Nyquil, Vicks Formula 44, lip balms, toothache drops). If you had something in your mouth prior to the breath test containing alcohol (e.g. Breath Drops with SD alcohol). Something… read more