May 23, 2013 | Court Procedure, OVI / DUI Penalties
The Court maintains jurisdiction over you with a period of probation. This means they can impose any jail time or fines that were initially suspended for a violation of the terms and conditions of your sentence or probation.
Probation is the way the Court makes sure you comply with the sentence. If you have done everything it shows the Court that you do not need further looking after.
After all requirements are completed, your attorney can file a motion to mitigate you off probation. Granting a motion for mitigation is discretionary. However, if granted, it means that you are no longer under the authority of the Court.
This should be a reward for good behavior for someone who can show the Court they will not get in trouble again. It will also have the added bonus of removing you from any risk of suspended jail time or fines that that can be imposed if you get in trouble again.
And remember, if you or a family member has been arrested for DUI in the Columbus Area – give our office a call at 614-827-2000….24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Because now is the perfect time to put a team that includes a former police officer and two former prosecutors to work….for you!