March 28, 2011 | Defenses
First off, your DUI is not a simple matter. It is complex, but not complicated.
A DUI is a misdemeanor of the first degree. It is the highest level misdemeanor you can be charged with.
Even on a first DUI, you are exposed to the following consequences: mandatory jail, mandatory fine, mandatory license suspension, a “hard suspension” where you can’t get driving privileges, a period of probation, random drug/urine screens, fee for and attendance of a 72-hour driver intervention program, additional costs for probation, drug and alcohol treatment, ignition interlock, special red license plates.
In addition, it can cause you to lose your job, limit your employment options in the future, it is not eligible for expungement, 6 points on license toward a 12-point suspension in any 24 month period, and 3 years for insurance premiums.
It requires diligent examination of police reports, statements, Miranda rights, validity of the stop, detention, and arrest, 911 records, police videos, checks of the calibration of the testing equipment, substantial compliance with standardized field sobriety tests, etc.
This evidence is rarely prepared fully and hand delivered to the defense attorney in court. Most times it requires careful evaluation for missing information leaving the diligent lawyer to seek it on his own.
It also requires evaluation of the State’s compliance with the Ohio Revised Code, Ohio Administrative Code, Ohio Department of Health Code, Field Sobriety Testing Standards, etc…
Remember, if you or a family member has been arrested for DUI in the Columbus Area – give our office a call at 614-827-2000….24-hours a day, 7 days a week. Because now is the perfect time to put a team that includes a former police officer and two former prosecutors to work….for you!