The state of Ohio takes drinking and driving very seriously. A DUI conviction can have serious repercussions, even when no one is hurt. Jail time, fines, license suspension, community service, and alcohol or substance treatment program attendance are all possibilities. A DUI involving injury to another person is taken even more seriously, and penalties increase accordingly.
In the state of Ohio, a DUI is termed an OVI – an abbreviation for operating a vehicle while under the influence. The influence in question is most commonly alcohol, but the category also includes so-called “drugs of abuse,” as well as a combination of alcohol and drugs. With regard to alcohol, influence is measured objectively. The measuring stick is blood alcohol concentration (BAC), which determines the ratio of alcohol to blood in one’s system. This ratio is relevant because it sets a ‘per se’ level where the government has determined impairment exists. Even if one is not impaired at a .08, they’re still guilty of OVI since that level has been set by the legislature.
It is not a violation of Ohio’s ‘per se’ law to drive with a concentration less than .08, but a person can still be prosecuted for OVI if they’re impaired.
In terms of other substances, common drugs of abuse consist of amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, L.S.D., and marijuana.
In Ohio, An OVI With Injury Is Termed Aggravated Vehicular Assault
In Ohio, when a person causes serious physical harm to another person while operating a motor vehicle, the OVI will be prosecuted as aggravated vehicular assault. Aggravated vehicular assault is classified as a third-degree felony. Penalties may include a mandatory prison sentence of 1 – 5 years, and a license suspension of 2 – 10 years. Increases are likely if there have been any prior alcohol-related convictions. In addition, an aggravated vehicular assault conviction will make it difficult to acquire car insurance coverage. At the very least, rates will be raised dramatically and for a long period of time. Furthermore, since aggravated vehicular assault is a felony, gun and voting rights may be affected. Finally, in addition to penalties stemming from a conviction in the criminal justice system, a driver charged with aggravated vehicular assault may face a personal injury lawsuit for damages in the civil justice system.
What To Do If You Have Been Charged With Aggravated Vehicular Assault In Ohio
An aggravated vehicular assault charge is a very serious matter in the state of Ohio. If you have been charged with aggravated vehicular assault, it is imperative that you contact an experienced Ohio OVI attorney at Suhre & Associates, LLC as soon as possible. A skilled attorney will work to mount the strongest possible defense of the charges against you. With your reputation, finances, and freedom at stake, an attorney is a necessity in reaching the best possible outcome.